Saturday, June 28, 2008


An area womens college has put up a billboard.  One the board is a picture of a black woman and the words "The world needs more strong women".  If we were truly working towards equality shouldn't the phrase state people instead of women?  I understand this is coming from a womens college, but doesn't equality trancend gender and race? 

Growing up in my home town high school there was quite a stir on this very topic.  Numerous black students wore shirts with the phrase "Black Power".  No one quesiton their reason or motivation for wearing these shirts.   They were proud of their race.  Then one day a few white students came in wearing shirts with the phrase "White Power".  They made it clear this was done for the same reason as the "Black Power" shirts.  Instead of everyone accepting this as equality, the students were suspended and fought a rather lenghy battle with the school district.  I realize that part of the students motivation was to create a stir, but the concept the hit on is profound.  Is it equality for blacks to be proud of their color but not whites?

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